Kids a Kooking
We have found some really great recipes on the Web
Astronaut Pudding:
Ingredients: Instant Pudding Mix, MIlk, Ziploc Bags
Instructions: Put 1 Tablespon instant pudding in Ziploc bag. Add 1/4 c. milk. Close the bag. Squish up the pudding mix. Poke a hole in the bag and suck it out. Your eating just like the astronquts.
Slime We made the Elmer's Glue recipe. This is great therapy for adults. I always try things out without the kids first. My husband and I were needing this stuff for a long time.
Every mother should know how to whip up a batch of playdough
Edible Playdough We ate alot of this when my oldest refused to drink milk. Try adding coconut & chocolate chips and making balls.